Here's where you list all the Rules and Regulations that your League has for the Playoffs. Here's a lengthy example of what it may look like. Use or discard as you wish.
- All Teams in all Divisions are in all Playoffs, unless specified otherwise by Captain Meeting vote. If there is more than one Playoff Group in a Division, Team placement is determined by Team Standings as of a specified date.
- The League Executive reserves the right to place Players or Teams in specified Playoff Groups.
- All team weekly Fees to date must be paid unless prior special arrangements have been made with the League Office.
- Each Player must be registered with the league.
- Each Player must have played the minimum number of Games as specified by Captain’s vote. Exceptions by the League Executive can only be approved in the event of confirmed hospitalization or death.
- In the case of 'forfeits' of regularly scheduled League Matches, Teams may submit to the League Office a Scoresheet listing a Roster of their choosing which must be received and paid for prior to the Tournament.
- A Player’s eligibility may only be challenged prior to that Player’s first game played in the Match. If this is not done, the Player will be allowed to complete the Match; the same as in Vegas. If the Player’s eligibility cannot be confirmed to the satisfaction of the Tournament Director, that Player cannot play. No prior Matches played by such Player will be 'forfeited' or replayed.
- A Player’s identity may be challenged at the start of any Round. The Player challenged has 15 minutes without penalty to provide a means of identification suitable to the Tournament Director. If unable to do so, that Player cannot play, but the Team may substitute another confirmed eligible Player. Any Games already played will count. If the Player’s identity is proven false, the penalty is immediate Match forfeit. No prior Matches played by such Player will be 'forfeited' or replayed.
- All Games are to be played according to the latest WPBA World Standardized Rules.
- All Tournament Charts are double elimination unless specified otherwise by Captain Meeting vote. This means a Player or Team is still in the Tournament until they lose twice.
- For (5) player Teams, the Match Format is (25) Games. For (4) Player Teams, the Match Format is (16) Games.
- All Tournament Charts are seeded,unless specified otherwise by Captain Meeting vote. This means that in an (8) Team Chart, the #1 seed will play the #8 seed in the first Round, etc. If there is no #8, then #1 will receive the first ‘bye’, etc. The seedings are based on Team Standings as of a specified date. If an unequal number of Matches have been played at that date, the League Office will assign one-half the Match Round Points to equalize same.
- Each Playoff Group will be handicapped or non-handicapped as determined by the League Executive. For (25) Games Matches, it will either be Race to 13 or ‘on points’ with handicaps. For (16) Game Matches, it will be either Race to 9 or ‘on points’ with handicaps. The Match continues until one Player or Team can no longer win.
- Any handicap is to be computed and applied at the start of each Round.
- The Match tiebreaker in handicapped Matches is the replay of the last Round by the same Players in the same order until one Team can no longer win.
- The correctness of a Scoresheet may only be queried for the current and/or the last Round played. Any Round already played previous to that will be considered final as per the 'Home Team' Scoresheet. A ‘Home Team’ Scoresheet signed by both Team Captains will be considered final.
- The higher seeded Team has the choice of being ‘Home’ or ‘Visitor’. In Singles Play, you coin toss for the first break and alternate thereafter.
- Players must be listed on the Scoresheet before the start of the first Round they play in.
- Substitutions are allowed prior to the start of a Round, the same as in League Play Matches, providing the other Team has been notified in advance. If an unplayable Match-up occurs, the Team causing it will be penalized by the awarding of a Win or 10-0 to the other Team.
- Match Tables will be as assigned by the Tournament Director which may be one, two or three as required.
- The Match must start within (15) minutes of the posted Start Time, unless otherwise specified by the Tournament Director. A Player has (5) minutes to start an individual Game from the time it’s called. A first round Game may be delayed only until the final Match up in that Round., When either is exceeded, a Game 'forfeit' occurs.
- The WPBA World Rule for slow play of 45 seconds is in effect for all Matches. A Player must be warned by the Referee first. When one Player is placed ‘on the clock’, then all Players and all remaining Match Games are ‘on the clock’. The clock starts when all balls stop moving from the previous shot. After 35 seconds, a ’10 second warning’ will be given unless the Player has already assumed a shooting stance. The penalty is ‘cue ball in hand’ foul.
- The biggest single reason for slow Matches is Players not ready to play. All Captains are reminded to make sure each Player knows they’re next up, whether they rack or break, who they’re playing and where.
- A Referee will be available for Match Rulings as follows:
Judgement calls on observed shots: Floor Referee must be called to the Table and their decision will be final. All other rulings: decision of Floor Referee may be appealed to the Head Referee whose decision is final. No Head referee: The Tournament Director becomes the Head Referee. Tournament Direction, Scheduling, Equipment, etc: The decision of the Tournament Director is final.
- If the wrong Player breaks, the Game carries on. It’s up to both Players to know who was supposed to break.
- If it is noticed that a Player is playing the wrong Player, the Game is stopped and the right Players play. If it wasn’t noticed, the Game will stand if they are scheduled to play each other later in the Match. Otherwise, the Game is null and void.
- If neither Player notices that the 8-ball is no longer on the Table, the Game is replayed with the same Player breaking.
- Any Player who plays on another Table during a match game will be assessed an automatic Game 'forfeit'.
- The Canadian term ‘just a shot’will be accepted as having said ‘safety’.
- Everyone is reminded that display of POOR SPORTSMANSHIP may result in a Game, Match or Tournament 'forfeit' as decided by the Head Referee and/or the Tournament Director.
- Any Team that is a 'No Show' for a scheduled Match in a Playoff will automatically 'forfeit' ALL THEIR MATCHES and all their rights to Prizes unless an acceptable reason has been provided to the Tournament Director and/or League Executive.