Last Updated: Sep 1 2009 10:51PM

Welcome to the PPLMS Demo Site

This is what your very own Website will look like. Have a look around. Some test data has been pre-loaded so you can get a better feel for what it does.

Home Page

This is your Home Page. Your own LEAGUE NAME will appear on the Header for every page.

Normally, this text box is used as a welcome, briefly describes what your League has to offer and any special messages you may have.

Just like this one, there are text boxes for nearly every page that can be revised at any time and be of any length.

League Management System Overview

The entire League Management System will reside on your website. It will acommodate any number of leagues or divisions, in any number of play sites, on any day of the week; all of which can be completely different.

There are 2 sides to the website - the 'Viewer or User Side', which you are on now, and an 'Admin Side'.

Proof - Click on the Admin Button at the bottom of this page. To get in, you'll need a username (use 'league') and a password (use 'operator'). To get back, just click on the Home Button. Each league sets their own which can be revised at any time.

The 'Admin Side' is where you first 'set up' your league and then administrate it.

Everything is dynamic and all data bases and reports get updated instantly, complete with current and year over year history.

For the League Administrator there is a full Help system. A Help Overview is provided outlining all the Steps involved from start to finish and every Task has a Help Flag to provide detailed explanation. If further assistance is needed, there's a toll free number you can call.

What Does It Do?

The main items in administrating any League are:

1. Recruiting and Signup of Teams
2. Providing a League Schedule.
3. Providing Team and Player Statistics.
4. Communicating with the Teams, Players and Host Sites.
5. Keeping track of Money paid by Teams and Players.
6. Maintaining current Databases on everything.

Recruiting Teams
Just by having a website like this means you are for real and prospective Players and Teams can get the full scoop on what you're all about and have to offer. Your website can be linked to any other that you wish.

The system also has provision for Teams and Players to sign up 'on-line' for each new Session.

League Schedule
Any League size and any Schedule length, start or finish is accommodated with the ability to revise in whole or in part, at any time.

Team and Player Statistics
A universal 8 Ball Scoresheet is used which accommodates:

  • the standard 'Rotating' Match Formats of 4 Player - 16 Games, 5 Player - 20 Games and 5 Player - 25 Games, as used in CCS and ACS Championship Team Play.

  • the standard 10 point Match Scoring System, as shown in the CCS League Operator Manual.

  • Other Match Formats and Scoring Systems can be accommodated upon request.

    After the results of each Game of each Match are entered from all the Scoresheets, the updating of all the Team and Player Statistics and the generation of all Stats Reports are automatic. You're done and ready for next week.

    The system also automatically accommodates special POY or Player of the Year Reports plus Player Rankings for Leagues that have Divisions based on skill level.

    This is always the hardest, most time consuming and frustrating aspect in running any League.

    A huge step forward is using a website based system like this. No more hard copy printing and distributing of Stats and Schedules, etc. to your League Members. The number of phone calls you'll get will drop tremendously.

    Whatever they need to know is on the website and it's current.

    The system also automatically generates a custom League Newsletter for every Team each week and e-mails it to them. Or sends them whatever Special Message you may have for them.

    The Money
    Always a problem - getting it and keeping track of it. This usually consists of Registration and/or Weekly Fees.

    The system has a Fees Log for every Team and update is automatic. What each Team has paid will appear on the Weekly Team Standings Report. Each Team can even view their Team Log online to confirm that everything is correct.

    Their constant updating can be a pain. Especially for each new League Year or Session; it's like starting again.

    With this system, Players and Playsites, etc. only have to be entered once and never again.

    Of course, what you're offering may change in a new Session, so the 'set up' of that and new schedules will always be required.

    Other Stuff

    League Events
    Whether it's your Playoffs or Awards Banquet, etc. the system has a special page for each.

    Championship Events
    If you're using this system, it means you are a CCS sanctioned League.

    The Home Page has links to both the CCS and ACS websites so everyone can view the latest info and/or enter any of the Championships that they offer.

    Local Tournies
    The system also provides for the promotion of in-house or other Tournies with full details.

    Sending in your Stats to the CCS
    No need to. They are all available right here on your website. Sorry, but you'll still have to send in your CCS Member Fees.

    Need More Info?
    Just send an e-mail to or call (403) 278-4180.

    This is where you can list your League Sponsors along with contact info. and a brief message, all of which can be revised at any time.


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