Here's where you can list the various Leagues or Divisions that your League has to offer. A sample is shown below.
The system provides for Online Registration of Teams and Players. When a submission is made you will automatically receive an e-mail with all the details at the address you provide.
Welcome to My League.
2006-07 - Fall/Winter Session
Teams consist of a minimum 5 Players and everyone is welcome. If you don’t have a Team but want to get on one, just fill out the form shown below with your information and we’ll look after you.
If you don't have a Bar or Club arranged to play out of, don't worry about it. There's lots to choose from in all areas of town and we can make the arrangements for you.
Here's what the Divisions are about:
C Rec..................Travelling...These Teams know how to play but it's more for the fun. B Intermediate..Travelling...These Teams are more competitive. A Open...............Hideout.....These Teams play extremely well. Runouts are common. AA Masters.........Hideout.....The 'Best of the Best' who play with no Restrictions. L Ladies..............Hideout.....These Teams are Ladies only.
C Rec .........5 Player/20 Game..Handicapped...Tues/Wed Thurs..Max 1 B Player B Inter........5 Player/25 Game..Handicapped...Mon/Tues/Wed....Max 1 A Player A Open......5 Player/25 Game..Handicapped..Tues/Wed..........A1 Max 2 AA - A2 No AA AA Masters.5 Player/25 Game..No Handicaps..Tues....................No restriction L Ladies.....5 Player/25 Game...Handicapped...Thurs..................No restriction
C Rec .........$12.00 Weekly..CCS...Vegas 1/5..Westerns All................Singles All B Inter........$13.00 Weekly..CCS...Vegas 1/5..Westerns All..BC 1/10..Singles All A Open.......$22.50 Weekly..CCS...Vegas All....Westerns All..BC 1/5....Singles All AA Masters.$22.50 Weekly..CCS...Vegas All....Westerns All..BC 1/3....Singles All L Ladies......$20.00 Weekly..CCS...Vegas All....Westerns All
There are Team Restrictions for each Division based on the Rankings of all the Players on your Team Roster. The Player Rankings are based on past Individual Performance in a previous Winter Session. See 'NEW SESSION' for full details. If you’re not sure as to what Division your Team qualifies for, call the League Office at xxx-xxx.