8 Ball Scoring and Handicapping
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Here's where you summarize the Match Format your League uses and how Matches are scored.
The League Management System has provision for the most common 8 Ball Match Formats of 4 Player - 16 Game, 4 Player - 20 Game and 5 Player - 25 Game. All are 'rotating' whereby each Player on the 'Home' Team plays all or nearly all the Players on the 'Visitor' Team. The system is designed for the 10 Point Game Scoring approach but others can be accommodated on request. The scoring of Games on a Point System allows for Matches to be handicapped which is highly recommended to make competition more fair and fun.
The following is an example which is based on the same Match Formats, Game Scoring approach and Match Scoresheet that is shown in the CCS League Operator Manual.
8 Ball Scoring and Handicapping
All Games are scored on a Point System and each Player develops an Average throughout the League Schedule. These Player Averages are used to determine a 'Team Handicap'. The Points that a Team scores in each Game of a Round plus any Team Handicap Points they get, will determine which Team wins the 'Round Point'. The number of 'Round Points' won in each Match will determine the success of the Team.
1. Scoring - 10 Point System
* In a Game, each Player receives (1) Point for each of his/her group of balls (solids or stripes) plus (3) points if they legally pocket the 8-ball.
* A win then is always worth (10) Points to a Player. The losing Player always receives the Point Count for all of his/her group of balls not on the Table at the end of the Game to a maximum of (7) Points.
2. Player Averages
* A Player's Average is determined by dividing their total Points scored to date by the number of Games they've played to date and then showing the result to the nearest tenth.
3. Match Format
* The most common Formats are: (4) Players play a single Game in each of (4) Rounds for a total of (16) Games. (5) Players play a single Game in each of (4) Rounds for a total of (20) Games. (5) Players play a single Game in each of (5) Rounds for a total of (25) Games
4. Scoresheet
4.1 Your Starting Roster
* The Scoresheet (example #1) accommodates all of the above Match Formats. * The Home Team fills out their Roster first by entering (4) or (5) Player names depending on the Match Format your League or Division is using. Spares may be listed at any time prior to the Round they are being 'substituted' into the Match. * Players may be listed in any order regardless of their Player Averages. * Should a Team be short a Player(s), "forfeit" is entered in the last position(s) on the starting Roster.
4.2 Match Rounds
* A set of one Game each played by a Team's Match Roster is considered to be one Match Round.
4.3 Handicapping
* At the start of every Match Round, the Player’s Averages (to the nearest tenth) of each Team are entered in the "AVE." column beside their Roster Order Number. In the case of a "forfeit" a "10" is entered or for a first time Player, an "8.0" is entered. The Player Averages are then totaled. The difference (to the nearest tenth) is then rounded to the nearest whole number and is given to the Team with the lower total as a Team Handicap. * This Team Handicap is to be entered in the Points Column in the box beside "HANDICAP".
4.4 Substitutions
* They are permitted providing they are made at the start of each Round and providing that it will not result in the same two Players playing each other a second time. * In the Round that they're subbing in, the substitute's Average is entered and used to compute the new Team Average Total to determine the new Team Handicap for that Match Round. * Players listed as subs in spots #6, and #7 may change Roster positions in successive Rounds. Players listed as Starters in Spots #1, to #5 when subbed out must sit out at least one Round and when subbed back in must return to their original Roster Position.
4.5 Order of Play and the Break Shot
* The Home Team never changes their order of play. * The Visitor Team’s order of play does vary each Match Round as shown and according to the Match Format being used. * The Home Team breaks the first and third rounds and, in the fifth round, the breaks alternate as indicated with the extra break going to the Home Team.
4.6 Scorekeeping - Team Points
* All Games are scored on the maximum 10 Point System including forfeited Games which are scored 10 - 0.
* After a Match Round has been completed, the Points won by the Players for each Team are totaled along with the Team Handicap.
* The Team with the higher total receives a Team Point for that Round. This is indicated by circling the "W" beside their Point Total.
* After all the Match Rounds have been played (either 4 or 5 depending on the Match Format your Division is using), the "Points Total for each Round" are added together to arrive at Total Overall Points for all the Rounds played.
* The Team with the higher total receives another Team Point for the OVERALL which is also indicated by circling the "W" beside their Point Total.
* In summary, each Match is played for one Team Point for each Match Round played plus one Team Point for the OVERALL.
* In all Match Formats, the tiebreaker in 'League Play' to award the Round Point and for playoff seeding is Games Won. The tiebreaker if still tied in 'League Play' is the winning of an extra Game played by one Player selected by each Team from amongst those who played in that Match. The tiebreaker in all 'Playoffs' is the re-playing the last Round by the same Players.
* In the case of a "Team Forfeit", all Players on the opposing Team will receive zero as the Points scored for that Game.
* To help the League Administrator, be sure to total the Wins, Points and Special Feats for each Player and for the Team.
* Provision is made for the recording of Special Feats such as E = ERO, F= First Approach, Z= Ten Zip and N=No Shot After the Break. Be sure when you sign off the Scoresheet that the other Team has recorded the Special Feats of your Team as well.
Scoresheet Examples - 5 player, 25 game format
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