Last Updated: Sep 24 2006 8:07PM

Scoresheet Submission

Here is where you advise the Teams the official procedures and deadlines for turning in their Match Scoreshheets and the money each week. Here's a sample of what it may look like:

"All teams are provided with pre-addressed, pre-stamped Envelopes with which to mail in the white copy of the Match Scoresheet along with their weekly Team Fees, the DAY FOLLOWING the MATCH.

Although Team Fees must be kept current at all times, Captains may choose to fax in their Scoresheet to (403) xxx-xxxx.

Since both Teams are turning in a copy of the Scoresheet, League Policy is that the first Scoresheet we see from either Team is the one we’ll process. So be sure to check all the Point Totals and Player Feats with the other Team.

Any Scoresheet dropped off at the League Office, faxed in or received by mail by Friday Noon will appear in the updated Team and Player Stat Reports on the League website which is posted by Sunday Evening."


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