Last Updated: Sep 24 2006 8:47PM


This is where you list all the Fees that are applicable for each of the Leagues or Divisions that you have. It usually consists of a Registration Fee and a Weekly Fee.

The following is a general policy statement that you may use to advise as to what happens should a Team fold or be expelled before the end of your League Schedule.

Team Suspensions/Expulsions

Any Team that forfeits Matches on two consecutive weeks or a total of three weeks during the League Schedule will be automatically suspended from further competition. Any Team may also be suspended or expelled by the League Executive for conduct or actions deemed harmful to the best interests of the League as a whole. This may include failure to turn in Weekly Fees.

In this event, any and all Fees paid to date and any rights to Prizes shall be forfeited in their entirety to the League.


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