Last Updated: Sep 24 2006 11:33PM
New Session

Here's where you provide the hi-lites of everything your League has to offer in the new Session including anything new or different from the past. A sample of what it may look like is shown below.

My League 2006-07 League Year - FALL/WINTER SESSION

It’s that time again. The Fall/Winter Session starts the week of September 11th and consists of 30 Matches played over 28 weeks. No play Christmas week.

Click on the 'How To Join' link on the top of the Home Page for details on the Divisions, Nights of Play, Match Formats, Sanctioning, and Weekly Fees.

All Teams receive a customized Weekly Newsletter by e-mail showing Team Standings, Player Statistics and Division Schedule.

Here's what's happening with the Championships for 2006/07:

• The ACS US NATIONALS were held in Las Vegas at the Riviera this past mid June which will be the new permanent location and dates. This year there will also be 'No Entry Fee' 2nd Chance Divisions with Cash Prizes for all Events. They are also adding 9 Ball Singles and 9 Ball Team Events.

• The CCS held the BRITISH COLUMBIA Championships in Langley at the new Cascades Casino this past January. There was a great turnout and it was huge fun. The 2nd Annual will be held Feb. 1-4th.

• The CCS WESTERNS will be held in Calgary once again at the ARC from April 25-29th..

• The VNEA WESTERNS are moving from Edmonton to Regina and will be held in late February.

• The CCS CANADIAN NATONALS in Toronto are moving to Easter Weekend for the next 3 years. This year the dates are April 3-7th.

Here's what's happening in My League for 2006-07:

• The PPL Registration Fee of $35 which covers all CCS and ACS member sanctioning now also includes a LEAGUE SHIRT that can be used as a Team Shirt at all CCS Championships.

ALL TEAMS in the Winter Session will receive a PAID TEAM ENTRY ($250 to $350 value) for the CCS Westerns in Calgary.

• The Team Play Offs in December Wk 1-2 will be for Trips to the BRITISH COLUMBIA or CANADIAN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS.

• The very popular SINGLES TOURNAMENT (a separate Playoff Group for C Rec, B Intermediate, A Open and AA Masters) will be in March Wk 1-3.

• The FINALS of all of our LEAGUE PLAYOFFS and TOURNAMENTS will be held at the Hideout.

• The A OPEN Division will have an A1 and an A2. The A1 OPEN allows two AA Players and in the A2 OPEN, no AA or AAA Players are allowed. All Teams will play out of the Hideoutand all will receive a Vegas Trip.

• The new L LADIES Division will also play out of the Hideout and all will receive a Vegas Trip.

• The Awards Banquet will be held May 3rd once again at Yuk Yuk's who put on a great Comedy Show.

As usual, there will be Captains’ Meetings for each Division after Week 4 in which everything will be finalized as to what will happen to all your Prize Funds.



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