Player Ranking Search
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Last Updated: Sep 24 2006 11:49PM

Player Rankings

This part of the League Management System is for larger Leagues who offer Divisional Play based on skill level. There is provision for up to 4 skill levels.

A League could use these Player Rankings in any way they wished to set Team Restictions for each Division.

A sample is shown below of their full use in practice.

1. What Player Rankings Are There?

  • Based on League Play:

  • AA....Master

  • Based on CCS/ACS/VNEA/BCAPL Championship Play:

  • AAA..Vegas Master

  • At the end of each League Year, Players are assigned and keep the last and highest Ranking achieved.

  • 2. What Are They Used For?
  • To ensure that every Team in every Division has a fair chance in competing against the others.

  • There are Team Restrictions for each Division of the Winter Session as to the Rankings of the Players that a Team can use in any Round of a Match:

  • AA....Masters Division..........No Restriction

    A1....Open Division..............Max 2 AA Master Players
    A2....Open Division..............No AAA Vegas Master or AA Master Players allowed

    B......Intermediate................Max 1 A Open Player

    C......Rec...............................Max1 B Intermediate Player

    L......Ladies Open.................No Restriction

  • The League also has a Singles Tournament for all the Players in the Winter Session that is based on Player Rankings - a different Group for each.

  • 3. What Are They Based On?
  • All those who have played a minimum of 8 full Matches in a previous Winter Session will be assigned a Player Ranking based on a composite of the following Performance Indicators:

  • Points Average..Total Points Scored divided by Games Played
    Win %................Games Won divided by Games Played
    Runout %....... .Runouts divided by Games Played

  • The Games Played exclude the 'N - No Shot' Games in which you never got a shot after the break.

  • Benchmarks are set for each Performance Indicator for each Division to achieve the following overall mix of Players:

  • AA....Masters.........................10%

  • If a Player does not have a previous Ranking, they will be assigned a Provisional Ranking that matches the Division that they play in.

  • The League Executive has the right to revise a Ranking based on 'KA' - Known Ability.



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